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New Book from Self-Publishing Strategist D Arlando Fortune Reveals...

"How To Write a Short Business-Building Book in Less Than 4 Hours... Using Only a Phone, A Few Websites, and your Great ideas"

Write your Signature Book™️ faster than ever before and transform your ideas into a lead-generating business asset even if you're not good at writing, don't like to, or don't have time to.


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In this book, I share how to transform your expertise into a paid Signature Book that quickly turns your ideas into a continuous stream of high-ticket buyers…

You'll love this book if you meet any of the following:

✅ You're a coach, consultant, expert, or speaker with a story that transforms lives.

✅ You've tried complex organic marketing and burned out posting every day to people who barely ever see your content.

✅ The free webinars and challenges aren’t working the way they used to, and you want a better way.

✅ You've tried building a list using lead magnets and have yet to crack the code on email marketing.

✅ You're looking for a simple way to stand out and attract paying clients who are pre-sold on your services.

✅ You want to write a book to build authority without the hassle of traditional publishing.

✅ You don’t want to spend a year writing your book.

Building a sustainable coaching, consulting, or expert business can be frustrating.

You’re either working with clients and not marketing. Or you’re focused on marketing and sales hoping to find your next client before you burn out… again.

So you spend all your time:

- DMing people when you’d rather be doing anything else

- Creating videos and graphics to share on social media, praying something goes viral

- Chasing people you met at networking events

- Writing desperate emails to a list of freebie seekers who only seem to want more free stuff

- Rebuilding your website and tweaking webinar funnels

- Following up with previous clients, trying to get another referral

I’ve been there. Hated it! I always felt like I was wasting my time.

Yet, I kept doing it because all those methods worked if I put enough time into them.

But I wanted to take back my time so I could do more of what I wanted to do.

Since ditching all the other complex methods and focusing on the Signature Book™ Formula, my approach to business has transformed:

👉 I now generate consistent revenue without ever needing to chase clients...

👉 My book does the selling, pre-qualifying leads who are ready to buy…

👉 My book does the selling, pre-qualifying leads who are ready to buy...

👉 I enjoy a streamlined business that allows me to focus on what I love doing most… working with clients and teaching every chance I can!

Here’s What You’ll Gain:

  • Rapid Writing: Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to efficiency. You’ll learn how to craft your book in hours — not weeks or months.

  • Streamlined Marketing: Your new book will do the heavy lifting, attracting and converting leads while you focus on what you do best.

  • Lead Funnels: I’ll show you how to use automated lead funnels that take care of your marketing, so you can enjoy more freedom.

  • Enhanced Credibility: Instantly boost your professional image and become the go-to expert in your field.

  • Personal Branding: Elevate your presence in the industry effortlessly.

  • New Revenue Streams: Use your book to introduce readers to higher-value offerings.

  • Reduced Costs: Cut down on marketing expenses with strategies that are not only effective but also cost-efficient.

  • Less Effort in Sales: Attract clients who understand your value and are ready to invest at a higher level.

  • Easy Replication: Once you’ve nailed it, use the same formula to produce more content, whether books or related materials.

  • A Boost in Reputation: Publish a polished, professional book that impresses your audience and competitors alike.

A Day in My Life Now Looks Like This:

👍 Engaging with clients who already see me as an authority before we even speak, all thanks to the book.

This approach isn’t just effective — it’s a game changer!

About Me - D. Arlando Fortune:

I'm not only a self-publishing strategist but also a mentor who has walked the path. With multiple bestsellers under my belt and several clients who can make the same claim, my strategies are not just theoretical—they work.

I've consistently used each book I've published to:

  1. Raise my coaching and consulting fees 10x

  2. Book speaking engagements and move from breakout sessions to the main stage

  3. ​Pre-qualify leads for back-end products (like coaching, consulting, and courses)

  4. ​And raise money for non-profit organizations I care about

Forget the old playbook:

❌ No more evergreen webinars with low conversions...

❌ No more social media spamming in Facebook groups...

❌ No more complicated sales funnels...

❌ No more sales calls with unqualified leads…

❌ No more chasing people who’ve ghosted you…

❌ And say goodbye to traditional publishing…

The best part?

You can write and publish your transformative book in under 4 hours, even if you hate writing or think you're not good at it.

Inside "The 4-Hour Book," available for just $3 on this page, I show you:

1️⃣ How to develop your book idea, structure your content for impact and persuasion, and get your manuscript on paper in a few hours.

2️⃣ Sales psychology to put in your book to attract and convert high-ticket clients seamlessly using your story.

3️⃣ How to convert your book’s content into multiple streams of income and grow your business.

Here's A Sample Of What You're Gonna Get In "The 4-Hour Book"

  • If you want to write a book and cannot figure out what to write (or how to get your ideas out of your head), this book shows you how to turn your words into profit - page 131

  • ​How to use the SIGNATURE Book Formula to write a book in less than 4 hours, even if your writing sucks - page 6 

  • ​Where to find all the stories you need to connect with your readers like you're best friends - page 78

  • ​How to end writer's block for good and end the torture of staring at a blank screen and blinking cursor - page 66

  • ​How to use the 3 E's of productivity to create better books than 80% of the market - page 4

  • ​Why you must figure out your revenue plan before writing a word. Skip this, and your doomed to write an unprofitable book - page 7

  • 12 words that will have people snatching up your book before deciding on a topic or choosing a title. (You get the word-for-word script to use) - page 21

  • You need a publisher, right? Wrong! It saddens me every time I hear a writer say, "I'm looking for an agent to pick me up." You don't need one. This is why. - page 19

  • Never put this in your book's title if you actually want people to buy your book. A rookie mistake you'll avoid. - page 91

  • ​Your book is being judged. Learn how to optimize the 5 things people judge that draw readers to your content before they open it - page 16

  • ​The 70-point checklist that makes it virtually impossible not to produce a high-quality manuscript - BONUS

  • If you want to stand out at networking events, try this differentiation strategy. You only need this one item... - page 43

  • ​You need the perfect book, right? Wrong! Take your business to its next level using Dan Kennedy's simple publishing philosophy - page 31

  • 10 reasons to not write your book from the brain of a 30-plus-year publishing veteran (#7 is the scariest) - page 15

  • Where to find all the partnerships and connections you need for all your marketing. It works so well you might call it a "dream" team. - page 127

  • ​The topic you must avoid if you want your readers to contact you about your service. Other books on writing and publishing don't teach you this author-centered marketing approach. - page 28

  • ​​​Why becoming an author is more important than becoming a great writer. ( Leave the literary greatness for those that want to be great writers. You're a business owner and thought leader with something to say.) - page 20

  • Say goodbye to boring chapters that put people to sleep. Bake persuasion and influence into your content using the S.T.O.R.Y. framework. - page 79

  • ​What to do if your grammar sucks and you don't know the first thing about editing... and save over $2500 in editing fees when you use this 7-step self-editing process. (Plus, where to find the software you need for it for free.) - page 81

  • Why you're wasting your time waiting to be discovered by someone who will make you do all the hard work anyway. And how to get paid to self-publish. - page 19

  • How do you get into the writing mode and make it a seamless transition? (Years of scientific research and interviews of prolific writers - from Leo Tolstoy and Ernest Hemingway to Maya Angelou and Seth Godin - have proven the power of this one habit.) - page 26

  • If you don't know what you stand for and what makes you different, you shouldn't write a book... until you do this. (Hint: it's not about selling a bunch of books.) - page 41

  • The one thing your book must have that guarantees more leads. Not doing this will send qualified leads to your competition. - page 101

  • Why social media channels don't matter for your business growth... as much as creating this one asset does. (If you build it, sales will come.) - page 44

  • ​A secret to getting paid your top price as a speaker. You can only use this strategy if you're an author. (As a bonus, you make even more when you come off stage.) - page 39

  • How Kung Fu magazine taught me the truth about book-centered marketing and why you must master (book) sales funnels like the most profitable companies in history. - page 114

  • ​How to get your first 50 books for free, pay off portions of your editing expenses, and have enough cash left over to buy the Luxury Edition Scrabble rotating gameboard (with the faux ivory tiles, faux leather tile pouches, and wooden cabinets). - page 23

  • 7 ways to turn your expertise into a reliable system. Even if you think what you do is just "something you're good at," one of the questions on this page will open your eyes to the method of your genius. Knowing your system is the secret to scaling your profits. - page 52

Here's What To Do Next...

Click the button to order your copy for just $3.

There's No Catch…

This book is a straightforward guide, not just another marketing book filled with fluff.

It's designed to give you actionable strategies to effectively leverage a book for your business growth.

This is about more than just writing a book.

Using the SIGNATURE Book™ Formula, you’re well on your way to becoming what I call a Wealthy Author.

Do any of these ideas resonate with you?

  • You offer people a chance to fulfill their dreams & visions.

  • You have a message & a mission that wakes you up in the morning full of excitement.

  • You know a book gives you the ultimate positioning in the knowledge and service industry.

  • You are leading & growing a movement that is bigger than you.

  • You believe the best way to share the truth is by telling the truth.

  • You know that the right book in the right hands changes lives.

You have two options:

Option A: Ignore this opportunity and continue working your butt off using the same old methods… praying, chasing, and 

Option B: Invest a mere $3 and learn how to use your expertise to create a book that continuously attracts high-quality clients.

Either way, your investment is backed by an unconditional "love it or leave it" guarantee...

The No-Brainer, Money-Back Guarantee

Marketers usually don't make money-back guarantees on digital products like this, but...

I'm going out on a limb here and giving you a 60-day money-back guarantee.  

If you don't like the book, just email me or call the number on your receipt. I'll give you back your $3 with no questions asked.  

Sound fair?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is The 4-Hour Book bundle only $3?

First off, it's not a gimmick. There are no strings attached. But you might be the one who wants my help. So, I want to make it super-easy to say yes to all this magnificence (and by yes, I mean with your wallet) and prove to you I know my stuff before we jump on a call.

What if nobody buys my book? What then?

​Maybe you're hesitating because you're not sure if anyone will read your book or if you know enough to write one. Remember, I didn't know what to expect when I began my writing journey. Nobody does. But you can expect your published book and the author's credential to carry more weight than any other marketing you do. You receive all you need to know to make that happen in this short book. Just click the "Add to Cart" button to get it. ​

Can I write a book if I'm not a good writer?

If you're still doubting yourself, I get it. Whether you're not good at writing, don't like to write, or have the spelling skills of a 4th grader... What I want you to understand is that it's never been easier to become a published author. Access to editors has never been more straightforward. My friend, I'm an excellent writer. But my editors make me sound awesome. You gotta get the manuscript done first, though. Hit the "Add to Cart" button and get started on that now.

What if someone's already published the book I want to write?

If you think there's already a book on your subject, then you're right. There is. There are tens of them. And that's a good thing. It means people want to know about your topic. So, if you don't have a large audience yet? Build one with your book. Create your own pool of buyers to fish in.

Can't I find this stuff on the internet?

There are loads of website articles, YouTube videos, and other books on the interwebs. The 4-Hour Book focuses on small service businesses like yours. The SIGNATURE Book™️ Formula you'll learn is designed to persuade your customers to call you and buy your services/products.

How do I access the book and bonuses?

After purchasing The 4-Hour Book Bundle, you'll receive an email with your unique login and password for the membership site where you can download and view your self-publishing materials. You have immediate access to them.

P.S. This offer includes the audiobook version at no extra cost if you prefer listening over reading. And over $189 in bonus material.

Click here and order your copy now. You'll be glad you did.⤵️

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.